Integrating in WebViews
Embedding the Onramper Widget in a WebView: Additional Configuration Steps.
Apart from the previously mentioned integration methods you may choose to embed the Onramper widget in a WebView. Embedding the Onramper widget in a WebView requires additional steps to ensure a seamless experience. This document outlines those steps and highlights specific considerations for WebView configurations.
Cloudflare Turnstile
Onramper utilises Cloudflare Turnstile in certain workflows to block unwanted traffic and optimize user performance. To integrate Turnstile with WebViews, follow these steps:
Apart from the above we have seen the following specific behaviour:
- If you're using the react-native-webview package update the following parameters:
originWhitelist={['https://*', 'http://*', 'about:blank', 'about:srcdoc']}
Updated about 1 month ago